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E-Way Bill - Notification, Circulars
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Instruction No. 02/2024-GST dated 12-08-2024
Guidelines for Second special All-India Drive against fake registrations from 16th Aug 2024 to 15th Oct 2024. [Important]

Notification No. 12/2024 dated 10-07-2024
CGST (Amendment) Rules, 2024.

Notification No. 38/2023 dated 04-08-2023
Central Goods and Services Tax (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023.

Press Release No. - dated 11-07-2023
Recommendations of 50th meeting of GST Council - Press Release

Instruction No. 02/2023-GST dated 26-05-2023
Standard Operating Procedure for Scrutiny of Returns for FY 2019-20 onwards

Instruction No. 01/2023-GST dated 04-05-2023
CBIC Guidelines for Special All-India Drive against fake registrations.

Act No. 8 of 2023 dated 31-03-2023
Finance Act, 2023

Notification No. 26/2022 dated 26-12-2022
Central Goods and Services Tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022

Instruction No. 04/2022-23 dated 01-09-2022
Guidelines for launching of prosecution under CGST Act.

Notification No. 03/2022 dated 13-07-2022
Seeks to amend Notification No 11/2017- Union territory Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017.

Notification No. 03/2022 dated 13-07-2022
Seeks to amend Notification No 8/2017- Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017

Notification No. 03/2022 dated 13-07-2022
Seeks to amend Notification No 11/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017.

Press Release No. - dated 29-06-2022
Press Release & Recommendations of 47th GST Council Meeting held on 28th and 29th June 2022.

Instruction No. 02/2022 dated 22-03-2022
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Scrutiny of returns under GST for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19

Circular No. 160/16/2021-GST dated 20-09-2021
Clarification in respect of certain GST related issues.

Press Release No. - dated 17-09-2021
Press Release - Recommendations of 45th GST Council Meeting.

Press Release No. - dated 29-08-2021
Press Release for Extension of GST amnesty scheme, extension for filing application of revocation of cancellation of registration and extension of use of EVC by companies. - Refer Notifications for detail.

Notification No. 32/2021 dated 29-08-2021
Central Goods and Services Tax (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2021.

Circular No. 152/08/2021-GST dated 17-06-2021
Clarification regarding rate of tax applicable on construction services provided to a Government Entity, in relation to construction such as of a Ropeway on turnkey basis.

Press Release No. - dated 01-06-2021
Press Release for allowing the e-way bill generation by defaulting Recipient or Transporter. Blocking of GSTIN for e-Way Bill generation is now considered only for the defaulting Supplier in the light of amended Rule 138E.

Press Release No. - dated 28-05-2021
Press Release - Recommendations of 43rd GST Council meeting dated 28.05.2021

Notification No. 15/2021 dated 18-05-2021
Central Goods and Services Tax (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2021.

Notification No. 14/2021 dated 01-05-2021
Extension of various dates for completion of proceeding, passing order, issuing notice, filing of appeal , submitting reply or application etc. in view of the spread of pandemic COVID-19.

Notification No. 94/2020 dated 22-12-2020
Central Goods and Services Tax (Fourteenth Amendment) Rules, 2020.

Notification No. 79/2020 dated 15-10-2020
Central Goods and Services Tax (Twelveth Amendment) Rules, 2020

Notification No. 72/2020 - Corrigendum dated 01-10-2020
Corrigendum to Central Goods and Services Tax (Eleventh Amendment) Rules, 2020

Notification No. 72/2020 dated 30-09-2020
Central Goods and Services Tax (Eleventh Amendment) Rules, 2020

Notification No. 60/2020 dated 30-07-2020
Central Goods and Services Tax (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2020

Notification No. 47/2020 dated 09-06-2020
Seeks to amend Notification No. 40/2020 – Central Tax dated 05.05.2020 in respect of extension of validity of e-way bill generated on or before 24.03.2020 (whose validity has expired on or after 20th day of March 2020) till the 30th day of June.

Notification No. 40/2020 dated 05-05-2020
Seeks to extend validity of e-way bills expiring between 20.03.2020 and 15.04.2020 to 31st May 2020.

Notification No. 35/2020 dated 03-04-2020
Seeks to extend due date of compliance which falls during the period from "20.03.2020 to 29.06.2020" till 30.06.2020 and to extend validity of e-way bills.

Circular No. 136/06/2020-GST dated 03-04-2020
Clarification in respect of various measures announced by the Government for providing relief to the taxpayers in view of spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) - Reg

Notification No. 2/2020 dated 01-01-2020
Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2020.

Notification No. 75/2019 dated 26-12-2019
Central Goods and Services Tax (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2019.

Circular No. 129/48/2019-GST dated 24-12-2019
Standard Operating Procedure to be followed in case of non-filers of returns – reg.

Notification No. 36/2019 dated 20-08-2019
Seeks to extend the date from which the facility of blocking and unblocking of e-way bill facility as per the provision of Rule 138E of CGST Rules, 2017 shall be brought into force to 21.11.2019.

Notification No. 33/2019 dated 18-07-2019
Central Goods and Services Tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2019

Notification No. 31/2019 dated 28-06-2019
Central Goods and Services Tax (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2019.

Press Release No. - dated 21-06-2019
Press Release of 35th GST Council Meeting held on 21st June 2019

Notification No. 25/2019 dated 21-06-2019
Seeks to extend the date from which the facility of blocking and unblocking on e-way bill facility as per the provision of Rule 138E of CGST Rules, 2017 shall be brought into force to 21.08.2019.

Notification No. 3/2019 dated 29-01-2019
Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2019

Notification No. 74/2018 dated 31-12-2018
Central Goods and Services Tax (Fourteenth Amendment) Rules, 2018.

Press Release No. 79 dated 22-12-2018
Recommendations made during 31st Meeting of the GST Council

Press Release No. - dated 18-12-2018
Development of new return filing system by GSTN and sharing of data by GSTN with tax authorities

FAQ No. - dated 17-12-2018
FAQ on GSTR-9C by ICAI Indirect Tax Committee

Other No. - dated 05-12-2018
Updated version of GST Concept and Status and PPT on GST by CBIC (updated as on 01.12.2018)

Press Release No. - dated 14-11-2018
Changes in E-way Bill system w.e.f. 16.11.2018

Notification No. 56/2018 dated 23-10-2018
Seeks to specify the categories of casual taxable persons who shall be exempted from obtaining registration under GST (Seeks to supersede Notification No. 32/2017-Central Tax, dated 15.09.2017)

Notification No. 3/2018 dated 22-10-2018
Seeks to specify the categories of persons (making inter-state supply of specified goods) who shall be exempted from obtaining GST registration. (Supersedes Notification No.8/2017 – Integrated Tax, dated 14.09.2017)

Circular No. 64/38/2018-GST dated 14-09-2018
Modification of the procedure for interception of conveyances for inspection of goods in movement, and detention, release and confiscation of such goods and conveyances, as clarified in Circular Nos. 41/15/2018-GST dated 13.04.2018 and 49/23/2018-GST dated 21.06.2018

Notification No. 39/2018 dated 04-09-2018
Central Goods and Services Tax (Eighth Amendment) Rules, 2018.

Circular No. 61/35/2018-GST dated 04-09-2018
E-way bill in case of storing of goods in godown of transporter.

Press Release No. 176 dated 18-07-2018
List of Nodal or Grievance Redressal Officers nominated for implementation of e-way bill system

Press Release No. 169 dated 30-06-2018
Press release with respect to GST Day

Circular No. 49/23/2018-GST dated 21-06-2018
Seeks to modify Circular No. 41/15/2018-GST

Notification No. 28/2018 dated 19-06-2018
Central Goods and Services Tax (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2018.

Notification No. 26/2018 dated 13-06-2018
Central Goods and Services Tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2018.

Circular No. 47/21/2018-GST dated 08-06-2018
Clarifications by CBIC on certain issues under GST including e-way bill, servicing of cars, moulds and dies etc.

Press Release No. 164 dated 31-05-2018
Press Release on e-way bill for intra-State movement of goods.

Press Release No. 161 dated 24-05-2018
Press Release on e-way bill for intra-State movement of goods for Manipur, Maharashtra and Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep (without legislatures)

Notification No. 11/2018 dated 21-05-2018
E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Lakshadweep. Rescind the earlier notification number G.S.R. 319(E) dated the 31st March, 2018.

Notification No. 10/2018 dated 21-05-2018
E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Rescind the earlier notification number G.S.R. 315(E) dated the 31st March, 2018

Notification No. 09/2018 dated 18-05-2018
E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Daman and Diu. Rescind the earlier notification number G.S.R. 318(E) dated the 31st March, 2018.

Notification No. 08/2018 dated 18-05-2018
E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Rescind the earlier notification number G.S.R. 317(E) dated the 31st March, 2018.

Notification No. 07/2018 dated 18-05-2018
E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Chandigarh. Rescind the earlier notification number G.S.R. 316(E) dated the 31st March, 2018.

Press Release No. 158 dated 14-05-2018
Roll out of e-Way Bill system for intra-State movement of goods in the States of Assam & Rajasthan

Press Release No. 152 dated 23-04-2018
Press release with respect to clarification regarding requirement of e-Way Bill for Bill To Ship To model of supply

Press Release No. 151 dated 23-04-2018
Press release with respect to the roll out of e-Way Bill system for intra-State movement of goods in the States / Union territory of Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Puducherry from 25.04.2018

Press Release No. 150 dated 18-04-2018
Press Release on e-way bill for intra-State movement of goods for Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Tripura and Uttarakhand from 20th April, 2018

Circular No. 41/15/2018-GST dated 13-04-2018
Clarifying the procedure for interception of conveyances for inspection of goods in movement, and detention, release and confiscation of such goods and conveyances.

Press Release No. 148 dated 10-04-2018
Roll out of e-way bill system for intra-State movement of goods in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Telangana, Kerala & Uttar Pradesh from 15.04.2018.

Press Release No. 145 dated 02-04-2018
CBEC Press Release dt 02.04.2018 on -- "Smooth roll out of e-Way Bill system from 01st April, 2018".

Press Release No. 144 dated 01-04-2018
CBEC Press Release dt 01.04.2018 on -- "Smooth roll out of e-Way Bill system from 01st April, 2018 ".

Press Release No. 143 dated 31-03-2018
CBEC Press Release dt 31.03.2018 on -- "Clarification on E-Way Bill System".

Notification No. 06/2018 dated 31-03-2018
Notification regarding E-way Bill in Union Territory of Lakshadweep.

Notification No. 05/2018 dated 31-03-2018
Notification regarding E-way Bill in Union Territory of Daman and Diu.

Notification No. 04/2018 dated 31-03-2018
Notification regarding E-way Bill in Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

Notification No. 03/2018 dated 31-03-2018
Notification regarding E-way Bill in Union Territory of Chandigarh

Notification No. 02/2018 dated 31-03-2018
Notification regarding E-way Bill in Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Circular No. 38/12/2018-GST dated 26-03-2018
Clarifications on issues related to Job Work

Notification No. 15/2018 dated 23-03-2018
Notifies the date from which E-Way Bill Rules shall come into force

Notification No. 14/2018 dated 23-03-2018
Central Goods and Services Tax (Third Amendment) Rules, 2018.

Press Release No. 140 dated 12-03-2018
Recommendations made during the 26th meeting of the GST Council held in New Delhi on 10th March, 2018 - Press Note E way bill

Notification No. 12/2018 dated 07-03-2018
Central Goods and Services Tax (Second Amendment) Rules, 2018.

Notification No. 11/2018 dated 02-02-2018
Seeks to postpone the coming into force of the e-way bill rules

Notification No. 09/2018 dated 23-01-2018
Amendment of notification No. 4/2017-Central Tax dated 19.06.2017 for notifying e-way bill website

Notification No. 03/2018 dated 23-01-2018
Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2018.

Press Release No. 130 dated 19-01-2018
Press Release in relation to policy changes

Notification No. 74/2017 dated 29-12-2017
Notifies the date from which E-Way Bill Rules shall come into force

Circular No. 22/22/2017-GST dated 21-12-2017
Clarification on issues regarding treatment of supply by an artist in various States and supply of goods by artists from galleries

Press Release No. 125 dated 16-12-2017
CBEC Press Release dt 16.12.2017 on --"Interstate E-Way Bill"

Circular No. 10/10/2017-GST dated 18-10-2017
Clarification on movement of goods on approval basis

Press Release No. - dated 06-10-2017
Recommendations made by the GST Council in its 22nd Meeting held on 06.10.2017. - Press Release

Notification No. 34/2017 dated 15-09-2017
Central Goods and Services Tax (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2017.

Notification No. 32/2017 dated 15-09-2017
Seeks to granting exemption to a casual taxable person making taxable supplies of handicraft goods from the requirement to obtain registration.

Notification No. 8/2017 dated 14-09-2017
Granting exemption to a person making inter-State taxable supplies of handicraft goods from the requirement to obtain registration.

Notification No. 7/2017 dated 14-09-2017
Granting exemption from registration to job-workers making inter-State supply of services to a registered person from the requirement of obtaining registration

Notification No. 27/2017 dated 30-08-2017
Central Goods and Services Tax (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2017.

Notification No. 26/2017 dated 28-08-2017
Seeks to extend time period for filing of details in FORM GSTR-6 for months of July & August.

Notification No. 15/2017 dated 01-07-2017
Central Goods and Services Tax (Third Amendment) Rules, 2017

FAQ No. FAQ dated 01-07-2017

Notification No. 50/2017 dated 30-06-2017
Seeks to supersede notification No. 12/2012- Customs dated 17.03.2012 and prescribes effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India .

Notification No. 9/2017 dated 28-06-2017
Seeks to bring into force certain sections of the CGST Act, 2017 w.e.f 01.07.2017

Notification No. 10/2017 dated 28-06-2017
Central Goods and Services Tax (Second Amendment) Rules, 2017

FAQ No. FAQ New dated 31-03-2017
2nd Edition of CBEC FAQ on GST as released on 31.03.2017

E-Way Bill - News
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GSTN Advisory on Introduction of Form ENR-03 for Enrolment of Unregistered Persons in e-Way Bill Portal for generating e-way Bill.

GSTN Advisory on E-way Bill generation for Gold, Pearl, Precious Stones, Metals, Jwellery and other goods Chapter 71

GSTN Advisory on the Introduction of E-Way Bill (EWB) for Gold in Kerala State

GSTN Advisory on Business Continuity for e-Invoice and e-Waybill Systems

No Penalty on goods movement without e-way bill on 31 Dec Night due to massive technical glitch in the Portal.

GST E-invoice and E-way bill portal betrayed traders before the new year.

GSTN Advisory for Entry of Receipt Numbers Pertaining to Leased Wagons in the E-Way Bill System

Press Release for Recommendations of the 55th Meeting of the GST Council

Changes in E-Way Bill and E-Invoice system from 01 Jan 2025: GSTN Advisory

GSTN Advisory for Entry of RR No./eT-RRs in EWB system Post EWB-FOIS Integration

GSTN Advisory on Proper Entry of RR No./Parcel Way Bill (PWB) Numbers in EWB system Post EWB-PMS Integration

Launch of E-Way Bill 2 Portal from June 1.

Expiry of e-way bill due to break down of vehicle is only a technical breach. Penalty cannot be imposed in the absence of criminal intent: Allahabad High Court

Rejection of taxpayer's detailed reply without any justification clearly shows non-application of mind by the officer: High Court

Proceedings u/s 74 of GST Act cannot be initiated against the buyer for availing ITC in a fraudulent manner for the default of supplier: High Court

GST Login Tool & Eway Bill Login Tool (Auto fill user id and password at GST Portal & Eway bill portal from excel)

No Penalty for not filling part B of e-way bill if there was no intention to evade tax: Allahabad High Court

Without any mens rea for evasion, no penalty can be imposed for unloading the goods at a place not registered in GST: High Court

E-way bill generated by taxpayer after interception of vehicle by officer cannot be treated genuine: High Court

ITC cannot be denied on the sole ground that supplier's GST registration was cancelled with retrospective effect: High Court

E-way bill and e-invoice portal to be down on 08th March 2024 for 1 hour for urgent maintenance.

No Penalty for movement of goods on expired e-way bill if there was no tax evasion: High Court

No Penalty should be levied for honest, technical or unintentional mistakes in GST or e-way bills: High Court

No penalty for just non-filing of Part-B of e-way bill if there is no intention to evade tax: High Court

Blocking of e-way bill generation without e-invoice. New e-way bill rules from 01st March 2024.

E-way bill advisory for reporting 6 digit HSN codes from 01st Feb 2024

Can GST Department collect double tax for one offence?

CBIC looking to expand e-invoicing on B2C Supply.

Two Factor Authentication to be mandatory from 20th November 2023 for taxpayers above Rs.20 crores.

Implementation of 6 digit HSN in e-invoices and e-waybills which was scheduled on 01 Oct 2023, stands deferred now.

GST Advisory for taxpayers who are not following minimum HSN reporting requirement as per Notification No.78/2020.

Two Factor Authentication limit reduced from 100 Cr. to 20 Cr. from 01 Nov 2023.

Two Factor Authentication will be mandatory from 20 Aug 2023 for taxpayers with turnover above 100 Cr.

Two Factor Authentication will be mandatory from 31st July 2023 for taxpayers with turnover above 100 Cr.

How to generate e-invoice?

How to generate and test e-invoice in sandbox?

Tax Invoices and cheque payment are not sufficient to claim ITC: SC Ruling

Feb e-way bill at 3 month lowest but with days correction it is probably the highest.

SOP for Cancellation of GST Registration and creation of Database of Non-genuine Taxpayers.

GST team raids a dead person, who was doing business for last 1 year.

GSTN launches four new e-Invoice Portals. Taxpayers to have multiple choices.

Under Valuation of Goods by Dealers to avoid GST & e-way bill

Mistake in part of Registration Number of Vehicle in e-way bill is a human error: High Court

ICAI Compilation on Significant Judicial and Advance Rulings in GST

Tax and penalty cannot be determined u/s 129, if owner of goods does not volunteer to pay tax: High Court

Single Sign-on facility enabled for e-Invoice and e-way bill login.

Who is covered under e-invoicing from 01 Oct 2022?

Penalty cannot be levied on non-filling of Part-B of e-way bill without establishing the petitioner's intent to evade the taxes: High Court

E-way bill for Gold with safety concerns: NIC update

Allegations in SCN should be clear and specific and the findings cannot go beyond the allegations levelled in SCN: High Court

High Court deleted demand raised for movement of goods on expired e-way bill?

No penalty for inadvertent or bonafide mistake in e-way bill: High Court

Centre vs. State E-way Bill?

Detention of goods by officer was wrong while goods were being brought back by seller for genuine reasons: High Court

Supreme Court decision will not alter the way GST Council functions, says Finance Ministry

High Court fined GST Officer with Rs.5000/- for detaining goods and vehicle in transit with proper e-way bill and tax invoice.

Whether detention of vehicle and goods under GST is justified for small clerical mistakes in e-way bill?

GST Audit by Department?

Post facto, amendment in GST Registration (after detention of goods by officer in transit) is allowed and relief is granted to taxpayer: High Court

NIC introduced two-factor authentication to login into e-way bill & e-invoice system.

New functionalities made available on GST Portal in January 2022

45th GST Council Meeting Press briefing by Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman on 17th Sep 2021

GSTN advisory for taxpayers for e-way bill generation where the principal supply is supply of services.

GSTN advisory for implementation of Rule-59(6) on GST Portal w.e.f. 01 Sep 2021

GST rules and returns for principal and job worker

GSTN alert to taxpayers on resuming the blocking of E-Way Bill facility from 15 August 2021.

Export vs. Intermediary Services: A new saga begins

Inspection, Search & Seizure under GST

Defaulting Recipient or Transporter now allowed to generate e-way bill

Recommendations of 43rd GST Council meeting

GST officer passed demand order on the same day, when he issued show cause notice calling upon the petitioner for explanation: Order quashed by High Court

Transporter can deliver goods as per his operational convenience. Detention order set aside by High Court

Granting personal hearing after passing assessment order shows total non application of mind by officer: Order quashed by High Court

Assessment order set aside by High Court for non-furnishing of third party statement relied upon by the officer.

Detention cannot exceed 60 days when read with section 167 of Code of Criminal Procedure: High Court

Merely calling the applicant to participate in an inquiry against its vendor, does not involve an automatic accusation or arrest against the applicant.

Cancellation of GST Registration is valid as the petitioner has failed to prove the physical movement of goods: High Court

Why some of 6 digit HSNs are showing invalid on GST Portal.

High Court ordered release of goods and vehicle of petitioner in-as-much-as the interest of revenue is secure.

Mere existence of some discrepancies in invoice or e-way bill cannot be the basis for conclusion of tax evasion : High Court

Mere non-cancellation of eway bill within 24 hours cannot lead to presumption by revenue about re-use of same eway bill: High Court

Delhi CA arrested for fraudulently passing on fake ITC of Rs. 14.30 crores

Journey of E-Invoice - The Game Changer

E-Way Bill validity shrunk from 100 km/day to 200km/day - Rule 138

Service of order on the driver of vehicle is not allowed as per section 169(1) of CGST Act.

Detaining a vehicle on the sole ground that the vehicle is found at a wrong destination without anything more is illegal

CGST (Twelveth Amendment) Rules 2020 dated 15.10.2020

Blocking of E-Way Bill facility for taxpayers with turnover more than Rs 5 Crores after 15th October 2020

High Court rejected the contention of GST Authorities for detention of petitioner consignment on the ground that the three invoices (accompanied with goods) are not in consecutive serial numbers.

Notifications issued by CBIC on 09th June 2020

Notifications issued by Govt. on 05.05.2020

Fearing with delays and penalties, truckers seek extension of e-way bill validity

GST Report Card : April 2020

How to learn GST?

Press Release restricting the last date for availing ITC for FY 2017-18 is illegal : Gujarat High Court

Notification issued to extend the date of blocking and unblocking on e-way bill facility to 21.08.2019.

Press Release of 35th GST Council Meeting held on 21st June 2019

31st GST Council Meeting held on 22 December 2018 - Recommendations in Return Filing and Procedural Changes

Directorate General of GST Intelligence arrested the promoters of two Mumbai-based textile firms

Development of new return filing system and sharing of data by GSTN with tax authorities

Goods and Services Tax (GST) evasion

Proposed improvements in e-way bill generation w.e.f. 16.11.2018

CBIC issued new circular to modify the procedure for interception, detention, release and confiscation goods and conveyances - 14.09.2018

List of Nodal or Grievance Redressal Officers nominated for implementation of e-way bill system

No e-way bill in Delhi for goods upto Rs.100000

CBIC clarification on various matters including e-way bill, servicing of cars, moulds and dies etc. vide Circular No. 47/2018 dated 08 June 2018.

When e-way bill is not required

Penalty for non compliance of e-way bill

Roll out of e-Way Bill in Chhattisgarh, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Mizoram, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal

Roll out of e-Way Bill system for intra-State movement of goods in the Maharashtra, Manipur and Union Territories w e.f. 25.05.2018

E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands

E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Lakshadweep.

E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Chandigarh.

E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

E-way bill to be mandatory w.e.f. 25th May 2018 for movement of goods within Union Territory of Daman and Diu.

Roll out of e-Way Bill system for intra-State movement of goods in the States of Assam & Rajasthan

Roll out of e-Way Bill system for intra-State movement of goods in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Puducherry from 25.04.2018

How to generate e-way bill in case of Bill-To and Ship-To transactions

Roll out of e-Way Bill system for intra-State movement of goods in the States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Tripura and Uttarakhand from 20.04.2018

Recommendations made during the 26th meeting of the GST Council held in New Delhi on 10th March, 2018

E-way bill rules have got further revision w.e.f. 07-03-2018

E-way bill mandatory provisions withdrawn till further notification

E-way bill to be mandatory nationwide from 01.02.2018 for inter-state sales and from 01.06.2018 for intra-state sales

E-Way Bill - FAQ
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Q 1 - What is the common portal for generation of e-way bill?

Q 2 - I am not getting OTP on my mobile, what should I do?

Q 3 - E-way bill system is slow - how should I proceed?

Q 4 - E-way bill pages or menu list are not being shown properly, what should I do?

Q 5 - I have already registered in GST Portal. Whether I need to register again on the eWay Portal?

Q 6 - Whenever I am trying to register, the system is saying you have already registered, how should I proceed?

Q 7 - Whenever I am trying to register, the system is saying there is no contact (Mobile) number with this GSTIN in GST Common Portal, how should I resolve this issue?

Q 8 - Whenever, I’m trying to register with my GSTIN, the system is saying ‘Invalid GSTIN’ or the details for this GSTIN are not available in GST Common Portal. How should I resolve this issue?

Q 9 - Whenever I am trying to register, the system is showing wrong address or mobile number. How should I resolve this issue?

Q 10 - Why the transporter needs to enroll on the e-way bill system?

Q 11 - What is TRANSIN or Transporter ID?

Q 12 - How does the unregistered transporter get his unique id or transporter id?

Q 13 - I am unable to enroll as transporter as the system is saying ‘PAN details are not validated’?

Q 14 - I am unable to enroll as transporter as the system is saying ‘Aadhaar details are not validated’?

Q 15 - Whenever, I am trying to enroll as transporter, the system is saying you are already registered under GST system and go and register using that GSTIN.

Q 16 - Whenever I am trying to enroll as a transporter, the system is saying you have already enrolled.

Q 17 - Whenever, I am trying to login the system says ‘Invalid Login. Please check your username and password’. How should I resolve this issue?

Q 18 - Whenever, I am trying to login the system says ‘Your account has been frozen’. How should I resolve this issue?

Q 19 - Whenever, I am trying to login the system says ‘your account has been blocked. Pl try after 5 minutes. How should I resolve this issue?

Q 20 - What should I do, if I do not remember my username and password?

Q 21 - What is an e-way bill?

Q 22 - Why is the e-way bill required?

Q 23 - Who all can generate the e-way bill?

Q 24 - What are pre-requisites to generate the e-way bill?

Q 25 - If there is a mistake or wrong entry in the e-way bill, what has to be done?

Q 26 - Whether e-way bill is required for all the goods that are being transported?

Q 27 - Is there any validity period for e-way bill?

Q 28 - While calculating time validity for e-way bill, how is a day determined?

Q 29 - Which types of transactions that need the e-way bill?

Q 30 - What is the Part-A Slip?

Q 31 - When I enter the details in e-way bill form, the system is not generating e-way bill, but showing Part-A Slip?

Q 32 - How to generate e-way bill from Part-A Slip?

Q 33 - What are the documents that need to be carried along with the goods being transported?

Q 34 - How to generate the e-way bill from different registered place of business?

Q 35 - How does taxpayer enter Part-A details and generate e-way bill, when he is transporting goods himself?

Q 36 - What has to be entered in GSTIN column, if consignor or consignee is not having GSTIN?

Q 37 - When does the validity of the e-way bill start?

Q 38 - How is the validity of the e-way bill calculated?

Q 39 - How the distance has to be calculated, if the consignments are imported from or exported to other country?

Q 40 - Whether e-way bill is required, if the goods are being purchased and moved by the consumer to his destination himself?

Q 41 - Can the e-way bill be modified or edited?

Q 42 - Before submission, the system is not allowing to edit the details. What is the reason?

Q 43 - The system shows the ‘Invalid Format’ when we are trying to enter the vehicle number. What is the reason?

Q 44 - What are the formats of vehicle number entry?

Q 45 - How to enter the vehicle number DL1AB123 as there is no format available for this in e-way bill system?

Q 46 - How can anyone verify the authenticity or the correctness of e-way bill?

Q 47 - How to generate e-way bill for multiple invoices belonging to same consignor and consignee?

Q 48 - What has to be done by the transporter if consignee refuses to take goods or rejects the goods for any reason?

Q 49 - What has to be done, if the validity of the e-way bill expires?

Q 50 - Can I extend the validity of the e-way bill?

Q 51 - How to extend the validity period of e-way bill?

Q 52 - Who can extend the validity of the e-way bill?

Q 53 - How to handle “Bill to” - “Ship to” invoice in e-way bill system?

Q 54 - How to handle “Bill from” - “Dispatch from” invoice in e-way bill system?

Q 55 - How the transporter is identified or assigned the e-way bill by the taxpayer for transportation?

Q 56 - How to generate e-way bill, if the goods of one invoice is being moved in multiple vehicles simultaneously?

Q 57 - Whether Part-B is must for e-way bill?

Q 58 - Can I transport goods with the e-way bill without vehicle details in it?

Q 59 - Whether the e-way bill is required for movement of consignment for weighment to the weighbridge?

Q 60 - Who all can update the vehicle number for the e-way bill?

Q 61 - Can Part-B of e-way bill entered/updated by any other transporter?

Q 62 - If the vehicle, in which goods are being transported, having e-way bill is changed, then what is required to be done?

Q 63 - What is to be done (in an EWB) if the vehicle breaks down?

Q 64 - How many times can Part-B or Vehicle number be updated for an e-way bill?

Q 65 - Can the e-way bill entry be assigned to another transporter by authorized transporter?

Q 66 - In case of transportation of goods via rail/air/ship mode, when is user required to enter transport document details, as it is available only after submitting of goods to the concerned authority?

Q 67 - If the goods having e-way bill has to pass through trans-shipment and through different vehicles, how it has to be handled?

Q 68 - Can I use different modes of transportation to carry the goods having an e-way bill? If so, how to update the details?

Q 69 - How to enter multiple modes of transportation, i.e., road, rail, ship, air for the same e-way bill?

Q 70 - How does transporter come to know that particular e-way bill is assigned to him?

Q 71 - How to handle the goods which move through multiple trans-shipment places?

Q 72 - How does the transporter handle multiple e-way bills which pass through transshipment from one place to another in different vehicles, to reach the destinations?

Q 73 - Can the e-way bill be deleted or cancelled?

Q 74 - Whether the e-way bill can be cancelled? If yes, under what circumstances?

Q 75 - Who can reject the e-way bill and. Why?

Q 76 - How does the taxpayer or recipient come to know about the e-way bills generated on his GSTIN by other person/party?

Q 77 - What is a consolidated e-way bill?

Q 78 - Who can generate the consolidated e-way bill?

Q 79 - What is the validity of consolidated e-way bill?

Q 80 - What has to be done, if the vehicle number has to be changed for the consolidated e-way bill?

Q 81 - Can the ‘consolidated e-way bill’ (CEWB) have the goods / e-way bills which are going to be delivered before reaching the destination defined for CEWB?

Q 82 - What are the modes of e-way bill generation, the taxpayer can use?

Q 83 - How can the taxpayer use the SMS facility to generate the e-way bill?

Q 84 - How can the taxpayer use the Android App to generate the e-way bill?

Q 85 - How to download mobile app?

Q 86 - What is bulk generation facility and who can use it?

Q 87 - How to use the bulk generation facility?

Q 88 - Bulk generation facility can be used for what activities on e-way bill portal?

Q 89 - What are the benefits of the bulk generation facility?

Q 90 - How can the registered person integrate his/her system with e-way bill system to generate the e-way bills from his/her system?

Q 91 - What is API Interface?

Q 92 - What are the benefits of API Interface?

Q 93 - What are the pre-requisite for using API interface?

Q 94 - How does the taxpayer become transporter in the e-way bill system?

Q 95 - How does the taxpayer update his latest business name, address, mobile number or e-mail id in the e-way bill system?

Q 96 - Why do I need sub-users?

Q 97 - How many sub-users can be created?

Q 98 - Why are the reports available only for a particular day?

Q 99 - Why masters have to be entered?

Q 100 - Can I upload the masters available in my system?

Q 101 - What is a detention report under grievance menu?

Q 102 - When is a detention report to be raised?

Q 103 - What is Over Dimensional Cargo?

Q 104 - How the consignor is supposed to give authorization to transporter or e-commerce operator and courier agency for generating PART-A of e-way bill?

Q 105 - In case of Public transport, how to carry e-way bill?

Q 106 - What is the meaning of consignment value?

Q 107 - In case of movement of goods by Railways, is there a requirement for railway to carry e-way bill along with goods?

Q 108 - If the value of the goods carried in a single conveyance is more than 50,000/- though value of all or some of the individual consignments is below Rs. 50,000/-, does transporter need to generate e-way bill for all such smaller consignments?

Q 109 - Does the vehicle carrying goods from CSD to unit run canteens need e-way bill?

Q 110 - Is the e-way bill required for the movement of empty cargo containers?

Q 111 - Does the movement of goods under Customs seal require e-way bill?

Q 112 - Does the movement of goods which are in transit to or from Nepal/Bhutan, require e-way bill for movement?

Q 113 - Is the temporary vehicle number allowed for e-way bill generation?

Q 114 - Whether e-way bill is required for intra -State movement of goods?

Q 115 - I am dealer in tractors. I purchased 20 tractors from the manufacturer. These tractors are not brought on any motorized conveyance as goods but are brought to my premise by driving them. Also, these tractors have not got the vehicle number. Is e-way bill required in such cases?

Q 116 - Who is responsible for EWB generation in case DTA sales from SEZ/FTWZ?

Q 117 - In many cases where manufacturer or wholesaler is supplying to retailers, or where a consolidated shipment is shipped out, and then distributed to multiple consignees, the recipient is unknown at the time the goods are dispatched from shipper’s premises. A very common example is when FMCG companies send a truck out to supply kirana stores in a particular area. What needs to be done in such cases?

Q 118 - What should be the value in e-waybill in case goods are sent on lease basis as the value of machine is much higher than leasing charges?

Q 119 - Expired stock has no commercial value, but is often transported back to the seller for statutory and regulatory requirements, or for destruction by seller himself. What needs to be done for such cases of transportation of the expired stock?

Q 120 - Whether shipping charges charged by E-commerce companies needs to be included in ‘consignment value’ though the same is not mentioned on merchant’s invoice?

Q 121 - Where an invoice is in respect of both goods and services, whether the consignment value should be based on the invoice value (inclusive of value of services) or only on the value of goods. Further, whether HSN wise details of service is also required to be captured in Part A of the e-way bill in such case.

20 Feb

☑ Monthly | GSTR-3B

GSTR-3B for the m/o Jan 2025 (Monthly Taxpayer - Rule 61) - Either Compulsory taxpayer > 5 cr. or Voluntary taxpayer < 5 cr.

☑ Monthly | GSTR-5A

GSTR-5A for the m/o Jan 2025 [Return by OIDAR Service Providers - Rule 64.]

25 Feb

☑ Monthly | PMT-06

PMT-06 Monthly tax payment for Jan 2025 under QRMP Scheme [Rule 61(1)(ii) - Proviso to Section 39(7)].

Taxpayers have a choice to pay tax either, as per -  

A) Fixed Sum Method OR 
B) Self assessment basis subject to interest on short payment of taxes.
(Notification No.85/2020 - CT)
28 Feb

☑ Monthly | GSTR-11

GSTR-11 for the m/o Jan 2025 (Statement of inward supplies by persons having Unique Identification Number (UIN)).