2,160 Results
All goods i.e. Corn flakes, bulgar wheat, prepared foods obtained from cereal flakes [other than Puffed rice, commonly known as Muri, flattened or beaten rice, commonly known as Chira, parched rice, commonly known as khoi, parched paddy or rice coated with sugar or gur, commonly known as Murki, Fortified Rice Kernel (FRK)]
Supply of services by way of providing metering equipment on rent, testing for meters/ transformers/capacitors etc., releasing electricity connection, shifting of meters/service lines, issuing duplicate bills etc., which are incidental or ancillary to the supply of transmission or distribution of electricity provided by electricity transmission or distribution utilities to their consumers.
Services of insurance provided by the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, constituted under section 164B of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), against contributions made by insurers out of the premiums collected for third party insurance of motor vehicles.
Any services provided by –
(a) the National Skill Development Corporation set up by the Government of India;
(b) the National Council for Vocational Education and Training;
(c) an Awarding Body recognized by the National Council for Vocational Education and Training;
(d) an Assessment Agency recognized by the National Council for Vocational Education and Training;
(e) a Training Body accredited with an Awarding Body that is recognized by the National Council for Vocational Education and Training,
(f) a training partner approved by the National Skill Development Corporation,
in relation to-
(i) the National Skill Development Programme or any other scheme implemented by the National Skill Development Corporation; or
(ii) a vocational skill development course under the National Skill Certification and Monetary Reward Scheme; or
(iii) any National Skill Qualification Framework aligned qualification or skill in respect of which the National Council for Vocational Education and Training has approved a qualification package.
(a) Food preparations put up in unit containers and intended for free distribution to economically weaker sections of the society under a programme duly approved by the Central Government or any State Government;
(b) Fortified Rice Kernel (Premix) supply for ICDS or similar scheme duly approved by the Central Government or any State Government.
(c) food inputs for (a) above.
When the supplier of such goods produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of the Deputy Secretary to the Government of India or the Deputy Secretary to the State Government or the Deputy Secretary in the Union Territory concerned to the effect that such goods have been distributed free to the economically weaker sections of the society under a programme duly approved by the Central Government or the State Government concerned, within a period of five months from the date of supply of such goods or within such further period as the jurisdictional commissioner of the Central tax or jurisdictional commissioner of the State tax, or jurisdictional officer of the Union Territory Tax, as the case maybe, may allow in this regard.
Extruded or expanded products, savoury or salted (other than un-fried or uncooked snack pellets, by whatever name called, manufactured through process of extrusion
Pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers’ wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products[other than pizza bread, khakhra, plain chapatti or roti, bread, rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products, un-fried or un-cooked snack pellets, by whatever name called, manufactured through process of extrusion, extruded or expanded products, savoury or salted
☑ Monthly | GSTR-3B
GSTR-3B for the m/o Jan 2025 (Monthly Taxpayer - Rule 61) - Either Compulsory taxpayer > 5 cr. or Voluntary taxpayer < 5 cr.
☑ Monthly | GSTR-5A
GSTR-5A for the m/o Jan 2025 [Return by OIDAR Service Providers - Rule 64.]
☑ Monthly | PMT-06
PMT-06 Monthly tax payment for Jan 2025 under QRMP Scheme [Rule 61(1)(ii) - Proviso to Section 39(7)].
Taxpayers have a choice to pay tax either, as per -
☑ Monthly | GSTR-11
GSTR-11 for the m/o Jan 2025 (Statement of inward supplies by persons having Unique Identification Number (UIN)).